All That Electronics Products

Company Profile

Laura Cox (Gast) – Owner With over 33 years of experience in manufacturing printed circuit boards, Laura is a hands-on business manager.  She began her career in engineering, photo and the front-end processes on manufacturing.  She excelled into management for production control and later moved into sales.  In her sales career, she was lead sales person for 4 years and then moved into Vice President of Sales.  After 30 years of experience in sales and manufacturing she decided to open All That Electronics, as a manufacturing representative for the industry that she knows best Currently we have sales presence in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Chicago.   Goal is to be honest, helpful and be your best support for PCBs.  We want to continue growth and create jobs

Read more about Laura:

Kay Vernon – Sales Engineer

ATE’s newest and youngest member brings exceptional dedication and support to our team.  With 8 years of experience, Kay understands the importance of putting the customer’s needs first.  Her attention to detail and hard work give customers the confidence they need.  Kay’s ultimate goal is to help customers promptly, efficiently, and cost effectively. 

Ashley Jabalera – Sales Engineer

Ashley has over 15 years of experience, setting high standards and consistently achieving her goals. She has an extensive background in sales and leadership within extremely competitive service and product based service environments that has continually add to the corporate bottom-line. Seasoned experience has given her the ability to thoroughly understand the importance of creating and maintaining a reputation for quality service and dependability resulting in improved profit margins, extensive referrals, and repeat business. Among peers and superiors in the business community, she is well known for her professionalism, high motivation, and delivering successful results even under the most difficult circumstances. Ashley holds a Bachelor Degree in business/mass communications from Regis University, Denver, CO.


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